Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's too late to apologise.

It's never too late to learn that you have made a mistake. But it's always already too late to realise that it really was a mistake when people told you so back then; at which after you fired back at them, stomped away from them and never to see these unpleasant narrow-mindeds again.

People did a lot of silly (sometimes over-board) mistakes when they were young. And I guess one of them is to think that you're better than a lot of people and that you don't have to work the hard way like everyone else, and that you will eventually become someone great because you are great.

When people tell you to stop daydreaming, to stop fantasizing, to stop overestimate and "young people, you'd better don't be so arrogant", you felt offended and you thought these were the negative people you had to get rid of your life, so as those self-help books said in ways to lead a positive life.

However as time moves on you fell a lot of time and finally ready to accept the fact that you are truly incompetent, not that great, not that humble as thought you were. In fact you've been so inflated with your own capabilities that you've overlooked the rules of how this world works.

When you blamed it on the narrow-mindedness of people that disagree with your unrealistic fast-paced ambitions, probably it's better to flip the coin to the other side and look - no one in the world is as "open-minded" as how you define it.

You just want to get to the destination quick without working hard (lazy); You just want to get accepted and applauded for your ideas without working on it (more laziness); You just want to be recognized by everyone without even start to network with professionals (you thought you're Megan Fox or something? Even Fox has worked hard to climb up the ladder before Transformer was up!).

ehem, ignore the slogans. Just find it funny. :P

The world is open-minded, but only to those who have visions and willing to work hard to achieve something great. You could be king in your little brain without even moving your ass from your chair, but it takes years to be someone that speaks volume in the reality.

I am young and I have to admit to that I have done a lot of the mentioned silly mistakes. Negativity should be avoided, but not to the extent that even constructive criticism could not make a pin hole through your walls of perfect illusions.

When people care to not let you down, they're kind-hearted friends who don't want to make you feel bad; When people care to let you know you're being unrealistic, they're good friends who can actually pull you out from the self-destruction you're heading.

It's already too late to realise that some of the people I chased away (or rather I ran away from) in my life had actually been telling me the truth of the working world. But it's never a time too late to realise, than to never realise at all for the rest of one's life.

One thing I learnt - not to whine. Do things that is your passion, and even if the starting is hard, enjoy it. Whining won't get you anywhere but the trails of a failer.

Today I've learnt a lot from this website I accidentally stumbled across : Sloperama Productions FAQs. Even though it's mainly about advices for people who want to get into game designing industry, the wisdom of Tom Sloper applies in many places.

I shall end the post with his wise quote: "It doesn't matter if you're just a Street Corner Joe. You have it within you to accomplish great things. Learn. Plan. Prepare. Execute. Adapt. Improvise. Conquer."