Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This is a post on How To Crap.

In approximately 1 and 1/2 hour i'll be having my moral mid term.....
Moral at this university stage...., it's no longer baik hati, belas kasihan, ali ah kau.

Now we're talking about real PHILOSOPHY!

The 4 theories we're gonna be tested on today :
1. Utilitarianisme
2. Egoisme
3. Prinsip Kewajipan
4. Existensialisme

Hmm, sound really hard eh?
And this is how studying philosophy would be - quite torturing for the brain to understand what all these great philosophers thought of for years, in just 2 hours. -.-

In spite of the exam, I'll be having the second jamming session this semester with my bandmates later tonight. Still a bit panic over the whole thing - Sweet child o mine, aih, sweet child screw me....>< style="font-style: italic;">Zombie like shit again.

Anyway, gambateh yo!

Oh yea. i gotta finish up my how-to article assignment by tonight hopefully. The title roughly thought of was : "How to save energy when using air-conditioner"

Though it sounds a bit off the mark - i'm gonna write about things like putting up curtain, tint the windows, repaint the wall white, service the unit regularly, etc etc....

What about "Air conditioner energy saving" ? Simple, precise, no confusion. But where is the word "HOW TO".......

How to put the how to!...haha...><

Oops gonna be 2p.m. already,.....guess i better get change.

bassist girl~